Issues of Control
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A neurologist acknowledges the frustration parents feel that doctors can't always figure it out. Medicine is a human endeavor.

A mom on managing anxiety: I have to compartmentalize. It’s hard to be a parent.

Hard terrain for any human being to navigate: What am I in control of? What is the universe in control of?

The Role of Medical Orders: A Nurse and Mother Reflect (Vicki, Shaelyn and Katlyn)

Parenting a medically complex child: Letting go of the PUSH and the expectations.

How is this my life?

What if something happens to one of us, the healthy ones?

When people feel out of control, they respond differently.

The lack of diagnosis frustrates me. I’m a planner. For him, he couldn’t care less.

Everyone has their stuff.

Control is a huge factor at every level in the situation.

Caring for the child allows parents to feel pride and a sense of control.

I get control by being open about her situation.

Being with my baby makes me feel better.

SW: Guilt is natural
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