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Bereavement: What to do with my daughter’s STUFF - toys, clothes

I put my heart at rest that they don't have any regrets

I can’t comfort them as much as I want to.

A nurse: how a death in the community can affect other parents of seriously ill children

An Update with Kerri, 4 Years Later

I can’t comfort them as much as I want to.

The biggest transition is people not coming into the house everyday.

For me, not holding on to the details is helpful.
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From our Podcast Series
- Podcast: The Neighborhood - Friends sharing in their experience after loss
- Podcast: Becca and Christine - a grandmother and mother reflect on little Emma
- Podcast: Kerri & Liz - identity after loss
- Podcast: Amy & Scott - remembering Abby
- Podcast: Jean & Tim - parents pride
- Podcast: Cari - we were living the best years of her life, Sanfilippo Syndrome