CPN | 7 Things Your Patient Families Would Like You to Know

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7 Things Your Patient Families Would Like You to Know

This list is based on a Courageous Parents Network parent blog post

  1. We see and feel the stress on you. We suspect that you also feel the fatigue that we do.
  2. We are desperate for information. We plan our day around hope that you will come by.
  3. We deeply respect your academic and clinical knowledge.
  4. We may or may not have the level of understanding of our child’s condition that you assume. Please help us feel comfortable asking our questions.
  5. We want you to respect our parenting knowledge; to listen and to trust our observations and feedback.
  6. We want you to be direct and honest, even (and especially) when you are unsure. Showing honesty and humility makes us respect and like you more.
  7. We have the deepest feeling that we can be in this together, if we try.

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