Exploring the Spinal Fusion Option
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Saying no to spinal surgery: I couldn't imagine her going through a major surgery like that

Spinal Fusion: Two Children, Two Moms, Two Different Decisions

Spinal Fusion Surgery: Deciding to do it

Spinal Fusion Surgery: The most difficult decision I've have to make

Spinal Fusion Surgery: Creating a space to consider the decision

Spinal Fusion Surgery for Children: A 6-Step Guide for Decision-Making

Spinal Fusion Surgery: These kids are typically very medically complex

Decision-Making re Spinal Fusion Surgery: Who is in charge?

Spinal Fusion Surgery: There is a window of opportunity

Spinal Fusion Surgery: Sometimes there is an obvious indicator; sometimes there isn’t.

Spinal Fusion Surgery: Involving the articulate patient is a must.

Spinal Fusion Surgery: Understanding everyone's expectations

Spinal Fusion Surgery in Children: How a palliative care team can help.

Treatments for children with scoliosis: A pediatric orthopedic surgeon describes

Spinal Fusion Surgery: How surgery may affect the child’s overall health

Considering Spinal Fusion Surgery: Discussing possible side-effects of surgery.

Introducing the Spinal Fusion Surgery Decision-Making Guide

Spinal fusion surgery: We spent time weighing both options.

Spinal Fusion Surgery and decision-making: The role of social media.

Spinal Fusion Surgery and Decision-Making: Parents need to be kind to themselves.

Considering Spinal Fusion Surgery: Projecting short and long-term trajectory

Spinal Fusion Surgery: NO is always an option, and then what does the future look like?

Spinal Fusion Surgery: involving the child, telling the child.

Parenting a Medically Complex Child: Decision Making Re Tubes and Surgeries

Spinal surgery for my son? The most difficult decision I’ve had to make.

Deciding to do the spinal surgery.