Emotions and Questions
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Clinical Trials: A mom: Sometimes if feels like there are “Haves” and “Have Nots”

The hard truth is that not everyone will qualify or meet the inclusion criteria

Clinical Trials: Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria; Age and Ability of the child are often key factors

Clinical Trials: a Study Coordinator reflects on the Emotional Costs

Study Coordinator Talks About Commonly Asked Questions - Site Visits and Access

Clinical Trials: Waiting for an emerging therapy

Clinical Trials: A mom – “I hope I get to make that decision whether to participate and that I make the right decision.”

Clinical Trials: My son participated in double-blind placebo study…I did not anticipate the extended trial timeline

Clinical Trials: A mom considers her risk aversion. “For me it’s more about whether this is the right thing for her.”

Managing Expectations: Trials are a learning process and timelines change

Clinical Trials: Child Life can help make the trial experience better for your child.

Clinical Trials: A Strong, Unified Disease Community Helps. Stay active and engaged, even if your subgroup doesn't yet have a therapy.

How can I best advocate for my child?

Clinical Trials: Survivor’s guilt and my place in the community.

For the patient that doesn't qualify, there are other ways to participate

Clinical Trials: The Role of Natural History Studies