Jacob, Erin, Leah, Michael
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Aunts and Uncles Reflect: When I think about Havi, I think about the purest laughter and joy and heart.

Extended Family: It’s been a lifeline to have each other.

Moving to be with our niece and her parents. (COVID made it easier to relocate). It wasn’t straightforward but it was clear.

There is not adequate grief support for aunts and uncles.

Extended Family: Grieving together but focusing on Havi’s parents.

Extended Family: Giving is living. This is a choice we’re making.

Sibling boundaries: Close as a unit but also tending to our respective marriages.

Aunts and Uncles: Showing emotions with each other and Havi’s parents

Some support tips for other aunts and uncles

Extended Family: Initiating support for and conversations about end-of-life

The Power of Ritual: “The Shabbirthday”

Engaging and also Protecting the (grand)parents

Bereavement: Leaving the pod