Son De’Aubrey was born extremely premature and lived with multiple complexities and diagnoses, including epilepsy. He passed away at age 14.
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A mother on what it takes to get listened to by your child’s physician

A parent’s advice to clinicians re Unconscious Bias: “See people as these unique, beautiful beings, learning from them, and giving them that respect.”

Maturing into parenting a medically complex child: You don't even realize how you're walking but you're just moving some kind of way.

"I did not get it right every day, and I'm still learning to give myself grace with the process "

Finding my voice to be my son’s voice.

Learning to let go of the therapies that weren’t serving him.

Extubating my son: “My heart wanted a few more years but he was so tired and I had to accept that. I didn’t want him to suffer anymore.”

Grief in Bereavement: “Sitting through the state of loneliness.”