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Parent Champion Program
A family’s story about their journey with their child is central to everything CPN does. These stories help other parents feel they are not alone and find guidance. They help clinicians better understand the lived family experience – beyond the hospital setting – and the whole family’s psychosocial and emotional needs. They are also the vehicle by which CPN promotes palliative care as an extra layer of support for families affected by serious illness.
To strengthen CPN’s capacity to bring palliative-informed, family perspectives to more clinicians and patient organizations nationwide, we have created the Parent Voices Program. CPN is currently seeking four parents/caregivers to participate in the program by becoming parent Champions. We are especially eager to bring in parents outside of New England and the Mid-Atlantic region.
A two-year commitment, Champions will hone their own personal story, be trained in how to utilize CPN resources with clinicians and families, and be asked to share their experiences in a minimum of 6 presentations over the course of the two years. Compensated for time both training and presenting, Champions will be required to attend a training retreat, travel, and be available to participate in CPN’s virtual programming throughout that time. Ideal candidates for the program will meet these criteria:
- Child received palliative care and parent has a willingness to advocate for it
- Had a strong medical provider relationship during their child’s life
- A relationship to a patient organization for their child’s illness
- Comfort with public speaking
- Be a proficient writer
- Utilized CPN resources in their journey
- Have a willingness to expand the CPN network to their connections and look for speaking engagements within a geographic region
Interested parents should send an email to connect@courageousparentsnetwork.org with PARENT CHAMPION in the Subject Heading. Include:
- Full Name
- Home Address
- Family members in the household; relationship to them, age and where applicable the diagnosis. If the child has passed away please indicate so; hospital where the child received care.
Parents should please answer each of these questions:
- Why are they interested in becoming a Champion?
- Describe any public speaking experience they have.
- How was/has palliative care been involved in the child’s care?
- What has been their experience with CPN?
- Tell their “story” of loving and caring for a child with serious illness.