Hope and Redefining Hope
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Mom: I know that he has completed everything in life. I look at the glass as half full.

Sydney has totally changed the way I look at life: there’s gratitude, and also the flip side.

“I would tell my old me, my earlier self, ‘Let go and Let God. Stay positive.”

Future vs Today: Helping families attend to what really matters so they don’t miss being present with the child.

As parents we have the ability to hear information, process it, and push it away so we can function.

A mom about her child with cancer: I don't talk about winning the battle, because there's no winning

Archived In the Zoom Room: Grief as a Superpower - A conversation with mom and author Maria Kefalas

The role of Hope in the face of a life-threatening diagnosis.

Don’t try to fix it. You don’t have to do it all in one day.

I felt like I had a clock ticking down in my head.

I choose to look at the bright side of life.

I’m proud of keeping it positive.