Sarita and Kareem
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A diagnosis in-utero of Trisomy 18: Being told, Don’t get too attached. He is going to die. We wanted a different conversation.

A Black couple reflects on unconscious bias in medicine: “I shouldn’t have to start flashing all these badges in order for you to respond.”

We just want a conversation about options: “Are we going to get somebody that cares or somebody that just wants to talk about diagnosis and prognosis.”

We look for physicians who will be champions for our son, and who will offer us options.

How we advocate for our son. “We are over the system telling us the best plan of care. We are going to do this together or we are not going to do it with you.”

Our son’s team of medical champions (Trisomy 18)

A little brother with Trisomy 18 and how the siblings cope.

Finding support and the limits of disease-specific support groups.

A couple’s advice to fellow parents: “Don’t do anything you’re not comfortable with; It’s OK to say to the doctor, ‘I don’t know, can you please give me a list of things to consider.’"