Mother of Anderson “Andy” and Zach (and Jamie). Lynette is pregnant with Jamie at the time of this interview.
Andy was born with Marfan Syndrome and died at age 3.
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Archived Recording of CPN's In the Room: Pregnancy after Child Loss
When it's a spontaneous mutation: I don't really find any comfort in those odds.
For my second pregnancy, “I just wanted a clean slate. I chose my very local OB-GYN.”
Measuring time: a progressing pregnancy juxtaposed with the first year of grief
‘As long as the new baby is healthy.’ That statement diminishes my son Andy’s life.
Pregnancy and bonding after child loss: I feel comforted that I have this little guy in my belly
Talking to the boys about their oldest brother: It's hard for me that there is no overlap
Cremation and burial: We’re not quite ready to bury the urn but that is the plan.
Giving away some of Andy’s things and moving back into his room for his little brother.
Pregnancy after child loss: It is a concern of mine that it’s going to happen again.
Grieving while pregnant: As complicated as the emotions are, we have something to look forward to
Choosing the support of the hospital at End of Life
The post-mortem debrief: We were grateful for the opportunity to ask questions and find healing.
Considering a trach: Wanting to do everything but it would have been too much for him.
We were so caught up in having a new baby, and having this new life at home with the two of them
Adding Hospice to the Care Team
Marfan Syndrome: He had 26 doctors and specialists and therapists. It was a free-for-all.
Andy, a diagnosis at birth. “I immediately asked, “what is wrong with my son?”