What It Means to "Just Show Up."
September 14, 2022 at 8:00 PM ET
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Bearing witness to other people’s joys, pains or challenges—truly seeing them and letting them know they are not alone—is not as simple as it sounds, especially when the circumstances are sad or difficult. While friends and family intend to lean in, they may worry about doing or saying the wrong thing or becoming too sad, and thus not take that step. But, showing up for a family caring for a child with a serious illness can make all the difference.
Showing up doesn’t have to be grand gestures; it can be running errands, cooking a meal or simply sitting and listening. Showing up is responding to the moment with intentionality. It can be hard. It takes generosity, and a willingness to be vulnerable to things that may be difficult or uncomfortable.
Our Panel

Ashley Waddell Tingstad
Ashley is the grateful mother of three children, including Viggo Rick, who died at 6 months of complications related to Trisomy 5p. Ashley's life journey brought her to her father's hospice bedside first, which deeply informed her approach to Viggo's life-threatening condition. She writes about life as Viggo's mom on FB and Instagram @momherenow and at momherenow.com.

Matt Goldstein
Matt is the father of Havi, Kaia, and Ezra. Havi died at age 2 from infantile Tay-Sachs. Matt and his wife Myra share Havi's story and how Havi's posse really SHOWED UP in the Family section of the CPN video library.

Amy Graver
Amy is an author, wife, and mom of four, including fraternal twin daughters, Lauren and Emma. Her twins were 7 years old and starting 2nd grade when Lauren was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. Lauren died 10 days after their 10th birthday. Amy is a blogger in residence for CPN, and writes about the journey cancer has taken her family on. Her greatest challenge is raising kids while grieving.