CPN | IN THE ROOM: Pregnancy After Child Loss
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IN THE ROOM: Pregnancy After Child Loss

April 28, 2021 at 8:00 PM ET

Watch an archived recording of this event

 Honoring your loss while anticipating and experiencing the birth and life of another

Becoming pregnant and welcoming another child after losing a child can bring forward a complex and often competing set of emotions. Finding understanding in the medical world also brings forward challenges.

  • How do I live in this space? Loving both the child I have lost and finding joy with the new one I just welcomed into my heart.
  • How do I talk to friends/family and medical providers to make them understand where I am with my grief and how it affects this new pregnancy?
  • How can I help the new baby “know” the sibling he/she never met? What stories do we want to tell? Are there rituals, traditions, celebrations we want to keep or make anew?

Join a group of mothers, each who has lost a child and gone on to have another and Kathie Kobler, an experienced advanced practice nurse whose compassionate care of such families and research has led to advancements in perinatal, neonatal, and pediatric palliative and bereavement care.

Our Panel


is an advanced practice nurse with over three decades of clinical experience providing a relationship-based approach to care for infants and children with serious illness, and their families. Dr. Kobler’s commitment to children is reflected through service in national organizations, leading policy, certification, and educational initiatives to advance the fields of perinatal, neonatal, and pediatric palliative and bereavement care. Her scholarship focuses on areas often unnoticed, including the role of ritual in end-of-life care. She is well known for integrating relational and interactive teaching methods to help nurses and interdisciplinary clinicians find their gifts and optimize professional well-being when providing end-of-life care.

Lynette Elam, Parent

is a mother of three boys: Andy, Zach and Jamie. She is married to her college-sweetheart, Nathan, and they live in Lynette’s hometown of Andover, MA. Lynette is a private investment funds attorney at a Boston law firm and serves on the board of directors for the Professional Center for Child Development, where her son Andy briefly attended preschool before he passed away in October, 2019.

Hannah Schermerhorn, Parent

is a loving mother of three boys Gabriel 12, Sage forever 3 months and Luke River 7 months. She has committed herself to helping others heal body and spirit in profound ways, through bodywork, reiki, yoga and public speaking. She is married to her soulmate Eric and loves to play music, drink good coffee and travel.

This Live Series has been made possible by the Ilene Beal Charitable Foundation.